How to Avoid Business Travel Burnout

How to Avoid Business Travel Burnout

The other night while speaking with a friend of mine that has his business out in Texas called Glass Dawg, got to explaining to me that business travelers are also called road warriors. That’s because traveling for business comes with battles and victories. Forgetting crucial in-person relationships and spending many hours on the road are some of the drawbacks of business travel. And burnout is the major drawback of business travel. However, it is possible to prevent burnout when traveling for business. Simply follow these tips.

Plan Your Workout

Heading to a gym is not a priority for many business travelers. That’s because many travelers have tight schedules. However, working out will enable your body to release endorphins. This hormone is very important because it alleviates stress while boosting creativity. When traveling for business, you will most likely stay in hotels that feature on-site fitness centers and gyms. If your hotel doesn’t have a fitness center or gym, ask the management whether there is such a facility near the hotel. Nevertheless, take time to exercise regardless of how tight your schedule is.

Enjoy a Luxury Experience

After working out in a gym, double up your de-stressing with a spa treatment. You can also hang out at a trendy club or restaurant. Go for facial, massage, or grab a fancy champagne glass. This will give you a mental break and allow you to indulge you in some luxurious self-care. You can also book dinner reservation if you will arrive in the evening.

Take a Day Off

Don’t work all the time without resting. Instead, take time to relax and tour your destination. For instance, if you plan on going back home on Thursday, ask your employer to give you a Friday off to allow yourself time to relax. Take this time to explore and have fun before you go back to your routine. During this time, take a break from emails and use this time to rest, plan and regain perspective.

Regardless of your business travel destination, follow these tips and you will avoid business travel burnout.  


Historical Landmarks of South America: A Travel Guide


South America, a continent rich in history and culture, is home to some of the world’s most fascinating historical landmarks. From the ancient ruins of Peru to the architectural wonders of Brazil, each site tells a unique story of the past. This guide takes you on a journey through these incredible landmarks, offering insights into their history and tips for travelers seeking to explore them.

Landmarks Overview

  1. Machu Picchu, Peru: Perched high in the Andes Mountains, Machu Picchu stands as a testament to the ingenuity of the Inca civilization. This 15th-century citadel, rediscovered in 1911, offers breathtaking views and a glimpse into the lives of the Incas.
  2. Christ the Redeemer, Brazil: Overlooking Rio de Janeiro, this colossal statue of Jesus Christ is not only a symbol of Christianity but also a testament to Brazilian art deco style. Completed in 1931, it has become a cultural icon of Brazil and a must-visit for tourists.
  3. Easter Island, Chile: Known for its enigmatic Moai statues, Easter Island (Rapa Nui) holds one of the most mysterious archaeological sites. These massive stone figures, created by the Rapa Nui people, continue to intrigue scientists and travelers alike.
  4. Cusco, Peru: Once the capital of the Inca Empire, Cusco is a city where ancient Andean traditions blend seamlessly with Spanish colonial architecture. Its cobblestone streets and vibrant festivals offer a unique cultural experience.
  5. San Agustin, Colombia: This archaeological park in the Andean mountains houses the largest collection of religious monuments and megalithic sculptures in South America, reflecting the region’s pre-Columbian culture.
  6. Salvador de Bahia, Brazil: As the first colonial capital of Brazil, Salvador is renowned for its Portuguese colonial architecture, Afro-Brazilian culture, and vibrant music scene.
  7. Tiwanaku, Bolivia: The ruins of Tiwanaku, near Lake Titicaca, offer insight into a pre-Inca civilization that thrived from 300 to 1000 AD. Its monumental structures and artifacts are a testament to its historical significance.
  8. Quito, Ecuador: Known for its well-preserved historic center, Quito is a blend of European, Moorish, and indigenous styles. Its rich history and cultural heritage make it a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Travel Tips

When planning a trip to these landmarks, consider the best times to visit, typically during the dry season. Accommodations range from luxury hotels to budget-friendly hostels. Local cuisine is a must-try, with each region offering its unique flavors and dishes.


  1. What is the best time of year to visit South American landmarks? The best time is usually during the dry season, which varies by country. For instance, in Peru and Bolivia, May to October is ideal.
  2. Are there any guided tours available for these landmarks? Yes, guided tours are available at most of these sites, offering in-depth historical insights and practical information.
  3. What should I know about the cultural etiquette in South America? Respect for local customs is key. Learn some basic phrases in the local language, dress modestly at religious sites, and always ask permission before photographing people.


Visiting the historical landmarks of South America is an enriching experience that offers a window into the continent’s diverse history and cultures. Each site, with its unique story and beauty, leaves a lasting impression on travelers, making it a journey worth taking.

A Guide for Traveling to Volunteer and Make a Difference

Traveling to volunteer and make a difference can be a rewarding and impactful experience. It allows you to contribute to meaningful causes, immerse yourself in different cultures, and positively impact the communities you visit. Here’s a guide for planning your volunteer travel experience.

Choose a Cause

Determine which cause or issue you are passionate about. Whether it’s education, healthcare, environmental conservation, or community development, find a cause that aligns with your interests and skills.

Research Volunteer Opportunities

Look for reputable volunteer organizations or programs that operate in your desired destination. Consider factors such as the organization’s track record, transparency, and sustainability of its projects. Websites like VolunteerMatch, Idealist, and GoAbroad can provide information and connect you with volunteering opportunities worldwide.

Define Your Skills and Interests

Assess your skills, expertise, and interests for the proper volunteer role. Identify what you can offer and what you hope to gain from the experience. And this will help match your abilities with the needs of the organization or community you’ll be working with.

Plan Your Trip

Once you have chosen a volunteer opportunity, plan your travel logistics. And this includes researching visa requirements, vaccination recommendations, and any necessary permits for your destination. Make sure to budget for travel expenses, accommodation, meals, and any program fees associated with the volunteering opportunity.

Prepare and Pack

Pack essential items such as comfortable clothing, sturdy shoes, toiletries, and any necessary equipment for your volunteer work. Consider the local climate and cultural norms when choosing what to pack. Bringing a first aid kit, mosquito repellent, and any required medications is also a good idea.

Cultural Sensitivity and Language

Research the local culture, customs, and traditions to ensure respectful interactions with the community where you’ll be volunteering. Familiarize yourself with basic greetings and phrases in the local language, which can help establish connections and show your willingness to engage with the local community.

Health and Safety

Prioritize your health and safety during your volunteer trip. Get vaccinated as recommended for your destination and take necessary precautions against common health risks. It’s wise to research safety guidelines, emergency procedures, and local laws to enjoy a safe and responsible experience.

Embrace Cultural Exchange

Engage with the local community and respect their way of life. Listen and learn from the community members you meet, share your experiences, and foster cultural understanding. Embrace the opportunity to build meaningful connections and positively impact the local community.

Be Flexible and Adaptable

Volunteer work often involves unforeseen challenges and changes in plans. Be prepared to adapt to different circumstances and embrace the unexpected. Maintain a positive attitude and remain flexible to maximize your experience.

Reflect and Share

After your volunteering experience, reflect on your impact and what you have learned. Share your experience with others to raise awareness about the cause you volunteered for and inspire others to make a difference.

Remember, volunteering aims to contribute positively to the communities you visit. Approach your experience with an open mind, humility, and a genuine desire to transform people’s lives. That way, you can create lasting memories, forge meaningful connections, and positively impact the world.

Worst Times to Travel for Christmas

If you’re traveling for Christmas or New Year’s Eve, you should get on the road early. People will likely hit the road between December 23 and January 2, increasing traffic congestion across the country, particularly along major city corridors.

Various factors influence travel times, including road closures, crashes, and weather. Travelers in some areas may experience additional delays due to a shortage of plow blade drivers.

Expect Delays 

Congestion will be worst after Christmas but before New Year’s Eve when travel for the two holidays overlaps. The days leading up to New Year’s Eve are the worst because of delays. However, people can expect much less congestion during the Christmas holiday travel season on the 27th and 28th than they did three weeks ago during Thanksgiving.

December snow highlights the impact of a plow blade driver scarcity on road travel this winter in cases of holiday travel. On the other hand, the travel weather forecast will inform you of what airlines owe you if your flight is canceled or delayed. As a result, if you want to avoid traffic, it is best to leave early. It is also critical to leave before midday traffic begins to build up.

Between December 23 and January 2 and worst times for traffic are:

  • December 23: the best time is after 7 p.m., and the worst is between noon and 6 p.m.
  • December 24: the best time is before 1 p.m., and the worst is between 2 and 6 p.m.
  • December 25: minimal traffic congestion.
  • December 26: the best time is before noon, and the worst is between 1 and 7 p.m.
  • December 27: the best time is before 1 p.m., and the worst is between 5 and 6 p.m.
  • December 28: the best time is before noon, and the worst is between 1 and 7 p.m.
  • December 29: the best time is before 11 a.m., and the worst is between 1 and 7 p.m.
  • December 30: the best time is before noon, and the worst is between 1 and 7 p.m.
  • December 31: the best time is before 1 p.m. or after 5 p.m., worst between 2 and 4 p.m.
  • January 1: should be little traffic.
  • January 2: the best time is before 1 p.m., and the worst is between 2 and 6 p.m.

Final Word 

Traveling for Christmas can be challenging because many people are primarily on the road. Nevertheless, you can improve your travel experience by choosing your departure and return days wisely.

Helpful Travel Tips for Introverts

Are you an introvert? If yes, don’t fret about it. We are all different, and you are not alone. Traveling as an introvert can be a more anxious ordeal than it is for extroverts. You may fear traveling just because of the thought of meeting people. But this doesn’t have to be so. So, follow these travel tips and hit the road for a fantastic trip.

Travel Solo

Traveling gives you the option of traveling in a group or solo. Being an introvert may make you more nervous when traveling in a group. And this is especially so when your partners are strangers. To avoid the nervousness of group travel, opt for solo travel. When traveling alone, you have your own space and control. You can choose where and when to travel and visit.

Carry Your Headphones

Your headphones are essential when you want to stay away from distractions when traveling. Whether on the plane, at the airport, or on the streets, you are sure to come across many people and having your headphones on can help you lock out the noise and have your imaginary space. The headphones will also show people you are not in the mood to engage.

Personal Space

Your experience will be better if you book a hotel room or Airbnb where you will stay alone instead of sharing a space such as a hostel. You don’t want roommates or hostel mates bothering you when all you want is some alone time.

Pick Your Destinations Wisely

Pick destinations that have a sense of calm and provide enough personal space. Avoid crowded destinations where you’ll not avoid unnecessary contact and interactions with people. Good examples are beaches and hiking sites.

Parting Shot

Traveling as an introvert requires unique planning and considerations to avoid unnecessary inconveniences. What other travel tips do you think are helpful for introverts?

Advantages of Traveling Alone

If you say you will travel on your own, people tend to perceive how lonely and bored you will be. It may sound terrifying traveling alone, but it can be very fulfilling on the contrary. You can enjoy many benefits from traveling alone, and we will find out below.


Traveling alone means that you are the sole decision-maker throughout the trip. You are the one who will decide where and how to spend money. You can save money for other things, such as adventuring to a distant island or accessing various sports.

Rely on Yourself

You likely will encounter different situations during your trip that will need you to make decisions that will affect you. You will learn that you are the essential person. Hence you will trust your own heart and the decisions you make. Traveling teaches us to rely on ourselves.

Strengthens Your Confidence

When you mention to people that you are traveling solo, most of them will doubt your decision, but at the same time, they are worried about your safety. Being on your own during your adventures will help you gain valuable skills. These skills make you more confident. The bold step you take to travel alone challenges your limits and ability to deal with obstacles independently. Traveling on your own is a boost to your confidence significantly.

Enjoy Your Own Company More

You never know the importance of your “me time” until you take a trip alone. You will start appreciating your own company more and enjoy your time alone. Without any doubt, traveling on your own helps you connect with your higher self and strengthen your relationship with yourself.

Some benefits come with traveling with your friends, but nothing beats traveling alone. Normalize traveling alone to enjoy these benefits more often. 

Understanding the Fear of Flying

The relationship that humans have had with flights has dramatically changed over the last century. Today, air travel is more than the fantasy most people thought it was, with most people using it widely as their transportation mode. The world records over 100,000 flights every day. The International Air Transport Association estimates that around 3.7 billion people flew in 2017. In 2016, the Bureau of Transportation Statistics noted that 718 million people flew, boarding approximately 8.6 million flights.

Such statistics reveal an increase in air travel in both overall safety and frequency. However, some people are still afraid of flying. But, research has shown that air travel is way safer than other transportation modes, including:

  • Subways
  • Cars
  • Trains
  • Ferries
  • Buses

Nevertheless, most people experience moments that make them a bit uneasy. For instance, when the airplane wheels touch the tarmac and start running down or hit the wrong turbulence patch, most people grasp their armrests tighter.

However, those unsettled or jostled moments are short-lived. And the feeling disappears after passing those moments. The only challenge is for people with flying fear or aviophobia. For individuals with aviophobia, continuous fear is deep-rooted. And this is more than the uneasiness that comes with the fleeting feeling.

The Causes of the Fear of Flying

Several factors can cause the fear of a flight. For instance, one direct influence or several factors can lead to this anxiety. An example of an immediate effect can be something that a lousy flight you once experienced. It can also connect to a traumatic flight or aviation event that someone close to you went through.

The lack of control is a common trigger and a primary aviophobia influencer. When high up there, you recognize that you’ve no control over some things in this life.

Claustrophobia can also trigger aviophobia. The plane has a tight and crowded cabin. And this can feel confining when boarding a plane with high emotions.

All these factors can cause the fear of flight. However, you can conquer this fear by staying centered, eliminating stressful distractions, and finding a focus. Also, anticipate anxiety when traveling and prepare accordingly.

Tips for Securing Your Passport when Traveling

A passport is an important document for proving your citizenship when traveling. This document is recognized in the United States and other countries when it comes to recognizing travelers. Without this document, you might not be allowed entry into some countries. As such, you should keep this document safe and secure when traveling. Here are useful tips for securing your passport when traveling. 

Check the Expiry Date of Your Passport 

This is an important thing to do before you travel. For your passport to be considered valid, it should be at least 6 months away from the expiry date. This is a requirement for travelers to most countries. Therefore, if you plan to use your passport to travel, check its expiry date first. And, you should this early because the passport renewal process might take longer. 

Back-up the Passport before Leaving 

Scan the pages of the passport, especially those containing personal details. This can speed up the process of proving your identity or replacing it if the original one is stolen or lost. After scanning the passport, store the copies in Google Docs or Dropbox. You can also email yourself the scanned copies to make it easier to access from any place in the world. 

Share a Copy of the Passport with Somebody at Home 

Emailing a copy of a scanned passport to your email address or putting it in a Dropbox might be sufficient for some people. However, it’s still important to give a trusted person back at home a scanned copy of the passport. This can be a friend, a parent, or a lawyer. It should be a person that you can trust to respond quickly and act accordingly if you need their assistance. 

Cover the Passport 

In some cases, you don’t want people to know where you come from. That’s because it can put you at risk. Therefore, cover the passport to ensure that people don’t know much about your identity. You can do this by purchasing a good passport cover. 

Carry the Passport on Person

Being the most important travel document, your passport should always be close to you. So, if you can’t carry it on you, lock it up somewhere safe. And, if you carry the passport with you, make sure that it can’t be stolen. For instance, if you carry the passport in a travel bag or purse, make sure it’s zipped up in your internal pocket. Avoid carrying your passport loosely in a bag that a pickpocket’s hand can access with ease. 

In addition to taking these measures, check your passport more often. However, do it privately to ensure that thieves are not watching you.

Is Traveling Alone Lonely?

Solo travel is not something unusual. People have been traveling alone for a long time. For some people, solo travel is the norm. But, some people consider it weird. Some individuals think that traveling alone is lonely. Nevertheless, people have varying opinions about solo travel. 

Solo Travel is Not Lonely 

Many solo travelers agree that though a person may travel alone, they are not lonely. That’s because they meet and interact with other people. For instance, you’re likely to meet people on a bus, in a hostel, and at the attractions that you visit. You will also meet people on hikes and at restaurants. 

In most cases, solo travelers don’t do things alone. For instance, you’re likely to start a conversation on a bus with the people seated next to you. When you visit a landmark at your travel destination, you’re likely to ask other travelers to take a photo of you. This can mark the beginning of a lasting friendship. 

Solo Travel Can Open Opportunities 

Most solo travelers realize that people are ready to help them everywhere they go. They have also gotten networking opportunities when traveling alone. Essentially, solo travelers find friendly people everywhere they go. And, some of these people become their lifelong friends. 

The most important thing is to focus on your safety. Don’t agree to meet people at locations where you don’t feel secure. Additionally, don’t agree to accompany somebody to their hotel room or hostel the first time you meet them. Instead, take time to know each other. If you agree to meet, make sure that it’s a public place. 

The Bottom Line

Solo travel shouldn’t be lonely. That’s because traveling alone makes you approachable. People will be more willing to talk to you when you travel alone than when traveling in a group. So, be open and ready to talk to other people when traveling alone. That way, you won’t experience loneliness when traveling alone. 

How to Travel with Baby Formula

If you are traveling with a formula-fed baby, there are certain things to keep in mind for a hassle-free trip. The following are useful tips on how to travel with baby formula. 

Pack Baby Formula in See-through Bags 

Similar to other types of liquids, the baby formula will have to go through screening at the airport security. As a result, it is always advisable to pack the formula in see-through bags to give the airport security an easier time in screening the contents. When you get to the security, take out the contents. 

Consider Carrying Baby Formula in 100ml Bottles 

According to the TSA and most airlines, you should carry liquids in 100ml bottles. Although you may also carry more, doing so would require a separate screening process. The amount of baby formula to pack will depend on the duration of your trip but, always make sure that you have enough for your infant. For the safety of the baby, the bottles should be sterilized. 

Carry Your Baby Formula 

Sometimes, you may think of not carrying baby formula on the assumption that they can be bought from stores at your destination. The only problem with such assumptions is that you may not find the right baby formula that your baby uses at the destination. Thus, you should pack an adequate baby formula to sustain the baby on the trip before leaving home. 

Keep Baby Formula in Your Carry-on 

When traveling, it is advisable to feed the baby as often as possible and, that means you should have the formula in hand. Packing baby formula in the carry-on will ensure that you can always feed the baby at your convenience. 

Baby formula is an essential travel item whenever you are traveling with an infant. The above tips will help you to clearly understand the basics of traveling with baby formula. 

Things to Do Whenever You Travel

Whether you a new traveler or a seasoned explorer, there are things you should include in your must-do list whenever you travel. Traveling entails more visiting touristy highlights. Must-see destinations and tourist attractions are fun. However, you need to get curious and put on an explorer’s cap. Here are some of the things you should do whenever you travel. 

Use Tips from the Locals 

You can easily be tempted to remain within your resort’s confines. You can even opt to visit the best tourist attraction around. However, you will have a better travel experience if you seek guidance from the locals. Nevertheless, you should do this with caution and safety in your mind. Challenge yourself to try something different. Seek off-the-beaten-path recommendations from the locals. You can do this before traveling or on reaching your destination. 

Use Public Transportation

There is no better way of feeling the full scope of your destination than using public transportation. Buses are particularly helpful because they enable you to interact with the locals and gasp your neighborhoods. However, make sure that you have a map and have eyes peeled. What’s more, pay attention to your belongings. 

Shop Locally 

Traveling provides a great opportunity for scooping up special items that will be your adventure mementos. Therefore, hit the local market and purchase something you will cherish for many years. Try to avoid made-for-tourists items. 

Record Memories 

Take photos and keep a trip diary. Spend time with travel mates recapping your days. Recording your travel memories will enable you to look back and remember wondrous details of your trip. Nevertheless, make sure that you do not spend a lot of time on social media and end up missing out on great adventures that you wish to remember. 

Respect the Local Customs

Before you travel, research the local customs. For instance, know the important phrases used by the locals to ensure that you won’t be clueless on arrival. You can even use a dictionary and try out some words. Most locals will be more welcoming to you if they realize you’re interested in their customs.

Regardless of where you want to travel, make sure that you do these things to make your trip more enjoyable and fulfilling.